Teachers as Writers, 2023

With research showing that the best writing teachers are writers themselves, the students of the teachers who submitted entries in this year’s ‘Teachers as Writers’ section are truly advantaged.
In partnership with ACT Writers, ACTATE launched this section in 2021 to build on ACTATE’s ‘Teachers as Writers’ events that are held throughout the year.
Click on the images and links below to explore the winners in the Years Teachers as Writers Category:
- Winner: Truth Be Told by Patrick Wenholz, Canberra High School
- Highly Commended: The Hungry Sky by Joanne Cook, Amaroo School
- Highly Commended: The Ghost of the Mist by Ryan Lindsay, Gungahlin College
Achievement Awards
- Reena Bhatnagar, Brindabella Christian College – Wayward
- Suzanne Kiraly, Daramalan College – Edward Dickens – Entrepreneur
- Carina Merritt, Daramalan College – Ceilidh Castle
ACTATE thanks the ACT Writers team, Meg Wilson and Emma Batchelor, for their time and expertise in judging the Teachers as Writers category.
Meg is the ACT Writers CEO, an emerging arts leader, and a writing and publishing industry advocate. Emma is an author and Chair of ACT Writers. She is an ACT Chief Minister’s Reading Challenge ambassador and a Member of Minister’s Creative Council.